2020 Thoughts

2020 Lets Catch Up

I Hope All Is Well…

This is kind of an off-subject post. But I’ve been very MIA this year and wanted to reach out and share where my head has been. I know almost all of us have been struggling and because of that, there is a lot of fear and uncertainty in many of our lives. I’m no exception, and while I don’t always share how I’m feeling, I thought the circumstances of this year call for a bit more openness.

First of all, this year has been one of the craziest years I can remember! Like many people, I have felt so overwhelmed with everything coming at us during 2020 on top of many personal tribulations that have piled into the mix. It seems like I can’t fully process one major event before another one comes and knocks me back again.

But, with the holidays quickly approaching, I wanted to take the time to reflect on all the blessings in my life. It’s easy to get caught up in the overwhelm and chaos when things aren’t going well; but even when it seems like nothing is going right we can still dig to find things to be grateful for.

For me, I am more thankful than ever for my fluffy companion, Tiffany DeClaude. When we were forced to quickly leave our home and live on the road for 6 weeks, Tiffany was all game! She sat nicely in her booster seat during long car rides, explored National Parks with me and my friends and family without wandering far from camp, and she would come back when I called her so I never had to worry about losing her during our adventures. She was truly a God-send during one of the scariest moments in my life by simply hanging out and helping me stay present and appreciate all the beautiful things we were able to see (even if the circumstances were far from ideal).

I’m also incredibly thankful for friends who are like family. Again, this year has hit me hard in every way imaginable, and I don’t know how I could have managed it alone. I always knew there were people in my life who truly loved and cared for me, but being able to experience it when I was so desperately in need has brought tears to my eyes more than once this year. While I still find myself thinking of all the things I wish I could change, or fantasying on how things could be ‘if only a, b, or c hadn’t happened…’ it has filled my heart with so much love and appreciation to experience this amount of no-strings-attached help from the people in my life. Seriously, I’m crying right now just typing this, haha.

So, while there have been many, MANY set-backs, heartbreaks, and downright terrifying events hitting one right after another, I am choosing to be thankful and keep my eyes set on the good things happening around me. I encourage you to do the same and to start and end each day intentionally thinking of the things you still have to be thankful for. Seasons come and go. This is just a season. And, if nothing else, I’m glad to have so many people around the world who are able to relate so we can encourage and build each other up.